Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sweetheart Lace & Eupathia!

Eupathia (bramble) stitch jacket/sweater for Teresa at her 'fitting'! it fit great for the specifications she desired! i have it pinned together w/coil-less knitting pins and now just need to seam it together and crochet an edging around it~

i started & finished it in the middle of Greta's Sweetheart Lace dress which i just finished last night! the red pic is the pattern pick which i will make in red for Charlotte to wear at her kgt Christmas program!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane IKE moving toward Galveston, TX ... evacuations saw snail's pace car lines going north on interstate...
a lot has been happening these past few days... the Presidential campaign continues...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9-11

Ringing bell for each victim at Pentagon, roses on Pentagon Memorial bench

Barack Obama and John McCain pause their campaigns and meet together at WTC Sep 11, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

cousin Mark in Iraq

cousin Mark Dieter(chaplin) poses before an Iraqi sunrise...
the Euphrates river close behind...
i am so PROUD of him for serving our country and guiding our service men/women in their spiritual needs!!!
mobilization means his days in Iraq will soon come to an end...