Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Aug 27, 2008 Political History!!!

Michelle Obama's speech Monday Aug 25, 2008

Hillary's speech before the Democratic National Convention Tuesday Aug 26, 2008

Bill Clinton listening to Hillary's speech

Senator Ted Kennedy, suffering from brain cancer, addresses the Democratic National Convention Tue, Aug 26, 2008

Bill Clinton's speech before the Democratic National Convention Tue Aug 26, 2008 declares Barack Obama IS ready to be President of the United States!!!

" a place called Hope"...

Hillary & Chelsea listening to Bill Clinton's speech Wed Aug 27, 2008

and now, on this historic political day, Wed Aug 27, 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton, moved to suspend the roll call and nominate Barack Obama by acclamation and the Democratic National Convention erupted!!!

it's finished!!! this was a trial of concentration vs distraction!! an all-over lace design was both challenging and an accomplishment!! w/a crochet picot edging as the final touch! it will be on display at the craft show in Dec...

i'm looking forward to making a 'toasted almond' textured cardigan for my stepdaughter Teresa and a 'Sweetheart' dress for each of my 2 g'daughters, one in pink for Greta, one in red for Charlotte!! i hope to have them finished so they can wear them during the Christmas holiday season and school programs!
i have enjoyed tremendously the friendship of a new knitting friend, Cindy, whom i met on Ravelry and found she lives right here in my city!! we try to get together once/week to knit... just today i received several Ravelry messages from my Maine knitting friend, Berit, whom i was worried about since i hadn't heard from her for several months... her daughter just presented her w/ Baby Bella last friday!!!
now as the football season begins at high school/college level my knitting will accompany me to a lot of football games as it did to baseball/youth baseball games this summer!!! whenever possible i knit on my deck and enjoy the ponds, ducks...

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