Fall is here!! i love the changing colors on the trees. the air is fresh and cool - no humidity. the sky is filled with various shades of white to gray-blue billowy cotton fluffs. and the perfect knitting season...getting to enjoy this season and make knitted gems for family and friends. alas, always too many on my list, not enough time!
am making Hawkeye handpainted black/gold socks for g'sons E & E. H & S got theirs last Christmas! leftover yarn will go into a lacey scarf for me. i need to knit from my sock yarn stash as a couple pair have sprung holes in the soles ;-(
have a request to make the gdaughters sweater-jackets this fall. they are growing out of their clothes fast!
am in midst of building a new home in wooded area...the scenery is beautiful around the lot! can't wait to finish and move in...everything on one level, but have access to unfinished lower level...lots of storage space and craft area.
will try to post more often than i have during this past couple of years. i need to write more. but i HAVE been reading a lot of t's books inbetween spurts of knitting!
in stitches...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
back home again!!
WOW!! i don't blog as much as a used to...i blog'd daily for a while b4 Ravelry & Facebook hit the cyber-waves!! i just watch'd a great video on Ravelry and learned 2 new knitting tip/techniques that should help improve my knitting! 1) how to decrease the size of the last BO stitche and 2) how to purl more efficiently continentally. i think it's the same method that i've seen in a tv commercial but could not figure out how it was done! purling cont.style has always been my sore spot and makes me knit English-throwing most of the time, but my purls tend to be a bit looser...
still within gauge, but looser. so now i have 2 things to try today on my day-off of cleaning/
sorting/packing ... spring housing-cleaning is moving ahead 'full-steam' these days!!! i cleaned the garage yesterday...loaded up the garbage can + 3 bags full for the 'guys' this morning! i'm purging 'junk'!!! but i STILL have too much stuff all over this condo! i guess each year i will need to rid myself of yet more stuff, aka: JUNK!!! i'm too much of a sentimental romantic. i save too much stuff. it's this stuff that i've purchased in past years that brings back memories of travels, people/friends, etc. my entire condo is decorated w/art that i've purchased here and elsewhere during travels...esp my "Colorado" hummingbird/mountain bedroom!! and my LR/kitchen is Italian...I LOVE ITALY!!! both it's cities and food!!
ok, back to the real world... i promise (to myself) i will blog more regularly.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
rain in AZ!!
i can't beleive it rains in AZ!! 3 days now! and cold! i almost feel i'm getting 'cabin fever' like in an IOWA snowstorm!! which, of course, i'm NOT missing at this moment!! LOL
i'm just about finished with the 2nd 'pumpkin vine' lace sock! i've frog'd at least once on each sock! but i want to make a matching 'pumpkin vine' skinny scarf and submit the set to the Johnson Co Fair this summer ... i think i'm ready for a critique!! the yarn is handpainted with all the fall colors! it's perfect for this pattern! will post pic when finished...
~~the fair thing is a 'no-go'!!! my 2nd sock was knit tighter and is smaller than the 1st!! ;-(
i hope one of my feet is smaller!! LOL oh well, they're pretty anway!!
i'm just about finished with the 2nd 'pumpkin vine' lace sock! i've frog'd at least once on each sock! but i want to make a matching 'pumpkin vine' skinny scarf and submit the set to the Johnson Co Fair this summer ... i think i'm ready for a critique!! the yarn is handpainted with all the fall colors! it's perfect for this pattern! will post pic when finished...
~~the fair thing is a 'no-go'!!! my 2nd sock was knit tighter and is smaller than the 1st!! ;-(
i hope one of my feet is smaller!! LOL oh well, they're pretty anway!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
yarn quest
good morning world!
here we are in sunny Mesa,AZ w/rain in the forecast for today! but nevertheless, we are going to gps our way to Scotsdale in search of the yarn shop there! we have a newly remodeled condo this year...new chocolate brown leather furniture, granite-top dining table, and chocolate brown bedding/towels! long & narrow and taupe, it looks/sounds like a cave!! (no pics on walls yet)
we know the grocery store and coffee shop from past yrs! so broadening our horizons!! hubby has been to all the surrounding towns in years past from away CUB spring training games, but this year i want to check a few of them out! since i won $35 at bingo last week, i can splurge a little again on yarn!!
made 6 'grape-bunch' dishcloths on the 3-day drive out here. then a lace baby sweater, 2 hats and working on a pr of 'rainy day' lace socks in navyblue nylon/acrylic. i'm using up my 'scraps' for baby hats,mitts to donate. b4 we left home i donated 15 baby sweaters, mostly lacey, to UIHC volunteers to distribute to babies in hospital. i received a very nice thank you note from the ladies!! makes me want to knit/donate more!! baby sweaters are small and easy to finish quickly! will post some pics soon!
well, that's all for now...i promise to try to post more regularly!
^)^ linda
here we are in sunny Mesa,AZ w/rain in the forecast for today! but nevertheless, we are going to gps our way to Scotsdale in search of the yarn shop there! we have a newly remodeled condo this year...new chocolate brown leather furniture, granite-top dining table, and chocolate brown bedding/towels! long & narrow and taupe, it looks/sounds like a cave!! (no pics on walls yet)
we know the grocery store and coffee shop from past yrs! so broadening our horizons!! hubby has been to all the surrounding towns in years past from away CUB spring training games, but this year i want to check a few of them out! since i won $35 at bingo last week, i can splurge a little again on yarn!!
made 6 'grape-bunch' dishcloths on the 3-day drive out here. then a lace baby sweater, 2 hats and working on a pr of 'rainy day' lace socks in navyblue nylon/acrylic. i'm using up my 'scraps' for baby hats,mitts to donate. b4 we left home i donated 15 baby sweaters, mostly lacey, to UIHC volunteers to distribute to babies in hospital. i received a very nice thank you note from the ladies!! makes me want to knit/donate more!! baby sweaters are small and easy to finish quickly! will post some pics soon!
well, that's all for now...i promise to try to post more regularly!
^)^ linda
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Year ~ 2010
hello world!!
i can't beleive i haven't been here since April of 2009!!! i can't possibly update 9 months in one post, so i won't! i'll just start anew!!
it's cold here...18 above... salvationArmy is coming for a pickup today. downsizing even more. we decided to build...got the last corner lot on susan's street...good for her since she is our builder! there is a wooded park in the backyard which is less for us to mow! plus deer/wildlife!! a new firestation will be built across the street this year so that's comforting.
i designed a basic ranch -one level(w/unfinished basement) that is ADA accessible. no steps for either of us unless we venture down to the cementCave!!
so far i'm loving the process of deciding on cabinets, counters, tile, carpet, paint, etc. my kitchen will be Italian --winecolored cherry cabinets, beautiful quartz counters. corner fireplace in greatRoom. tiled walk-in showers, double sinks, corner tub w/glass window blocks in masterBath. island w/drawers. stainless appliances. i want a floor drain in the garage. everything new! i can't wait to start digging! that will start when we're in Mesa,AZ for 2 months (planned b4 our 'build' decision!)
so my knitting has kept me 'employed' parttime w/yarn $$$... i will update my knitting project pics soon... i need to do that on Ravelry too! i made the 6 g'kids each a pair of handknit socks. i know E&E love theirs!! also got some 'hawkeye' black/gold sock yarn...it pools a lot but 'that's life!' my BKFF cindy is a real gem! we try to get together every wed during her lunch. and i have a couple of good knitting friends online...valli in maine, anita in queens,NY. i treasure their friendship!
ok, that's all for now...
i can't beleive i haven't been here since April of 2009!!! i can't possibly update 9 months in one post, so i won't! i'll just start anew!!
it's cold here...18 above... salvationArmy is coming for a pickup today. downsizing even more. we decided to build...got the last corner lot on susan's street...good for her since she is our builder! there is a wooded park in the backyard which is less for us to mow! plus deer/wildlife!! a new firestation will be built across the street this year so that's comforting.
i designed a basic ranch -one level(w/unfinished basement) that is ADA accessible. no steps for either of us unless we venture down to the cementCave!!
so far i'm loving the process of deciding on cabinets, counters, tile, carpet, paint, etc. my kitchen will be Italian --winecolored cherry cabinets, beautiful quartz counters. corner fireplace in greatRoom. tiled walk-in showers, double sinks, corner tub w/glass window blocks in masterBath. island w/drawers. stainless appliances. i want a floor drain in the garage. everything new! i can't wait to start digging! that will start when we're in Mesa,AZ for 2 months (planned b4 our 'build' decision!)
so my knitting has kept me 'employed' parttime w/yarn $$$... i will update my knitting project pics soon... i need to do that on Ravelry too! i made the 6 g'kids each a pair of handknit socks. i know E&E love theirs!! also got some 'hawkeye' black/gold sock yarn...it pools a lot but 'that's life!' my BKFF cindy is a real gem! we try to get together every wed during her lunch. and i have a couple of good knitting friends online...valli in maine, anita in queens,NY. i treasure their friendship!
ok, that's all for now...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Knitting: Stress Reducer!
April 5~
i missed a whole month(March) because while in Mesa,AZ we did not have internet access unless we took this laptop to Starbucks!! that was not fun...not having access ;(
so now, i'm trying to get back in my 'mo-jo'...computing (raveling) in the mornings w/my java b4 i do anything else! i just joined Twitterthis morning! i hope i use it!
i tried to embed a CBS special about knitting reducing stress...it didn't work. but it's nice that Harry Smith on GMA featured 'what's old is new again!'
i will get my pics of my Elsebeth Lavold hempathy (sage & lilac) Daphne's posted soon and my butterfly stitch pullover summer top i'm currently working on out of dbstrand crochet cotton.
Shannon/John gave me a bottle of CopperRidge wine and some shower gel for my (friday)march 13 bday!...the day i had to take my DH to the hospital in the Valley...high white count and very dehydrated...he ended up w/colitis and UT infection and a 4day hospital stay. thank goodness the UrgentCare dr recommended a brand new hospital...it had very good drs and great facilities!
but now we are home and i'm so glad!! still unpacking and going to get groceries b4 the (winter)
storm approaches this afternoon...
more soon...
i missed a whole month(March) because while in Mesa,AZ we did not have internet access unless we took this laptop to Starbucks!! that was not fun...not having access ;(
so now, i'm trying to get back in my 'mo-jo'...computing (raveling) in the mornings w/my java b4 i do anything else! i just joined Twitterthis morning! i hope i use it!
i tried to embed a CBS special about knitting reducing stress...it didn't work. but it's nice that Harry Smith on GMA featured 'what's old is new again!'
i will get my pics of my Elsebeth Lavold hempathy (sage & lilac) Daphne's posted soon and my butterfly stitch pullover summer top i'm currently working on out of dbstrand crochet cotton.
Shannon/John gave me a bottle of CopperRidge wine and some shower gel for my (friday)march 13 bday!...the day i had to take my DH to the hospital in the Valley...high white count and very dehydrated...he ended up w/colitis and UT infection and a 4day hospital stay. thank goodness the UrgentCare dr recommended a brand new hospital...it had very good drs and great facilities!
but now we are home and i'm so glad!! still unpacking and going to get groceries b4 the (winter)
storm approaches this afternoon...
more soon...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
i've been getting really behind at bloggin' since i've been busy knitting for family, friends and my 1st craft show! i vow to blog once a week in this new year! i'm still catching up from Christmas so here are 'a few of my favorite things'!!!
teresa's 'EUPATHIA from elsebeth lavold's 'Enchanted Garden Collection'. i let her pick the yarn/color. it turned out to be a 'jacket' type of sweater w/belt. she has worn it and says it keeps her nice and warm!
i made susan a 'Meandering Vines' stole in black. she wears a lot of black. the designer, who lives in Germany, emailed me (w/compliments!) after i posted this pic on Ravelry!
this is ethan & greta posing for g'ma's camera with ethan's Texas Longhorn's hat on greta!
upon meeting Nora at Christmas i brought over a bolero for her!
this window-paned pullover w/button shoulder was traded to the Regina elem media specialist for a snowman she made! she was hopeful for g'kids sometime. at Christmas she learned she WOULD be a g'ma!
this is a very soft db brested vest that i sold to a 'neighboring' vendor at the Regina St.Nick Market. isn't he a cutie??
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
more hearts...
some of the projects/activities i've been working on/doing since Christmas...
Daphne by ElsebethLavold 'Enchanted Garden Collection' that i am making for myself in lt.sage hempathy(cotton/hemp).
Noro Kureyon little 'booga bag' for knitting accessories - felted by knit'n budde CindyV
knit'n at Coralville Crazy Girl Yarn Shoppe w/friends!
Evan at his piano recital...GOOD JOB!
'Reid' lacey sweater for my eyeDr's daughter!
my 1st use of Sweater Wizard CD to make matching 4T 'Provence' for older sister of whom baby sister already received one this past summer!
knit'n at HomeEc on a Sunday afternoon w/friends!
my favorite pic of Zoey at G'ma & G'pa's house!
Ethan's 1st 5th grade band concert (Dec 2008)
Ethan plays percussion!
Faith Hill sings America before SuperBowl Feb 1, 09
Baby BSJ for SilasSuchomel's 'New Member of the Family' pic Jan '09
Baby BSJ,pants,hat,mitts,socks for JvF's g'baby due in March '09

one of two LUNA MOTH lace shawls 1~purple for Regina Gala in Feb 09
2~black for JvF's expectant daughter due in March
practicing 'butterfly' stitch on dishcloths!Thursday, January 15, 2009
i should have blog'd yesterday on my 'blogoversary' but wasn't feeling like doing much except catching up on sleep! so now, it's 364 days until my next one! i have a LOT of posting to do here and on Ravelry...i need to print pics before uploading to the computer.
i've recently finished 2 toddler sweater orders and a LUNA-MOTH shawl for my g'kids' school's Feb Gala auction. the principal said she appreciated a 'heads-up' to know what i made so she can bid on it. i also got and order from the vice-principal for a baby sweater and shawl for the expectant mother(daughter of VP)!! these to be done/delivered before we leave for Mesa,AZ to 'visit' the CUBS at spring training!! she bought a sage green lace sweater for her 1st g'daughter and everyone loved it! i am glad to get feedback on my knitting, esp that the item fit!
i have to admit that i spend more time on Ravelry than i do here on my own blog. my bad!!!
i love that there is such a resource for meeting other knitters, viewing pics, searching/saving patterns! i have a knitn' budd, Cindy, who found me on Ravelry! actually, i asked her about her name~Toulouse~ because i had gone by the MoulinRouge in Paris on a bustour when my husband/i chaperoned his students to Europe back in the 80's! so we talk everyday now on Ravelry! and knit together whenever we can!
also, the shawl i'm going to make for the VP is the same 'meandering vines' that i made susan for Christmas. after posting it to Ravelry, the designer (who is from Germany) emailed me back! that's what i mean by loving Ravelry!!! i've talked to knitters all over the world! even Australia!
it's 22 below zero here in Iowa today...schools closed...a very good day to stay in and knit!!!
i've recently finished 2 toddler sweater orders and a LUNA-MOTH shawl for my g'kids' school's Feb Gala auction. the principal said she appreciated a 'heads-up' to know what i made so she can bid on it. i also got and order from the vice-principal for a baby sweater and shawl for the expectant mother(daughter of VP)!! these to be done/delivered before we leave for Mesa,AZ to 'visit' the CUBS at spring training!! she bought a sage green lace sweater for her 1st g'daughter and everyone loved it! i am glad to get feedback on my knitting, esp that the item fit!
i have to admit that i spend more time on Ravelry than i do here on my own blog. my bad!!!
i love that there is such a resource for meeting other knitters, viewing pics, searching/saving patterns! i have a knitn' budd, Cindy, who found me on Ravelry! actually, i asked her about her name~Toulouse~ because i had gone by the MoulinRouge in Paris on a bustour when my husband/i chaperoned his students to Europe back in the 80's! so we talk everyday now on Ravelry! and knit together whenever we can!
also, the shawl i'm going to make for the VP is the same 'meandering vines' that i made susan for Christmas. after posting it to Ravelry, the designer (who is from Germany) emailed me back! that's what i mean by loving Ravelry!!! i've talked to knitters all over the world! even Australia!
it's 22 below zero here in Iowa today...schools closed...a very good day to stay in and knit!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Season Greetings 2008

Regina fancy fur scarves!
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
i aplogize for the Smilebox music "What Child Is This?" conflicting w/the preprogram'd music on my blog!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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